Welcome to the workshop!
Welcome to enhance your digital skills to apply them in your practical teaching.
You, as a teacher/trainer of a Center of Excellence, will produce digital learning material. You will also help your students and colleagues to get digital.
This is the home site of the workshops taking place in first in November 2019, and later next year. In here, you find the program, support material, and the personal learning blogs and plans of the participants.
The workshops are part of a wider digitalization framework of VET by the Ministry of Education, Culture and Research. Read more on How to page.
The workshops are facilitated and funded by the EU Twinning Project.
All material produced under this project will be shared on the new website for digital VET learning resources as open educational resources, licensed under the Creative Commons CC BY-SA license (4.0).
You, as a teacher/trainer of a Center of Excellence, will produce digital learning material. You will also help your students and colleagues to get digital.
This is the home site of the workshops taking place in first in November 2019, and later next year. In here, you find the program, support material, and the personal learning blogs and plans of the participants.
The workshops are part of a wider digitalization framework of VET by the Ministry of Education, Culture and Research. Read more on How to page.
The workshops are facilitated and funded by the EU Twinning Project.

Testul de ieri ne-a permis să ne determinăm în ce măsură cunoaștem,, aplicăm, predăm și evaluăm în activitatea pedagogică TI si de ce cunoștințe mai avem nevoie la capitolul dat! Mulțumim!
RăspundețiȘtergereEste util testul in vederea determinarii nivelului de pregatire , specializare in domeniul TIC, a momentelor cheie de care trebuie sa tinem cont ....care in final reprezinta un imbold spre o calificare si dezvoltare continua in domeniul TIC
RăspundețiȘtergereEfectul chestionarului de ieri a fost scoaterea in evidență a sarcinilor care trebuiesc îndelinite, și anume că sunt foarte multe metode de interesante și atractive de învățare! Fără îndoială, că viitorul aparține tehnologiilor informaționale...