How to...
Prepare before workshop
Create a Google user account: instructions in Romanian
Digitalization of VET in Moldova, the framework of this workshop:
- The framework of using ICT in VET by MoECR (Romanian, PDF)
- The framework of using ICT in VET by MoECR (English, PDF)
Be active during the workshop
- Have your own laptop with you if possible.
- Take down notes and take photos to have material for your learning blog
- Write a post on your learning blog daily
- Think about your own digital material and how you apply new methods in your work
- Try new things now - this workshop is a safe "lab"!
Find useful resources
The European Framework for the Digital Competence of Educators- DigCompEdu framework
- Check-In self-reflection of digital skills
- SELFIE for CoE school-wide testing
Blogs and video for learning
Open educational resources and copyright
- Blogger help by Google (NB! Create and set up your blog on a computer, not on a smart phone)
- Other platforms for learning blogs and light web sites: Tumblr, Weebly, Wix, WordPress
- Youtube help by Google
- The quickstart guide to Youtube, a short video-based course on using Youtube (English)
- NEW, February 2020: Design video & use the storyboard template: RO, EN
- Guide to use Open Educational Resources (English/German/Italian)
- Creative Commons open licensing (English)
- (a link to Moldovan copyright site...)
Tool for planning digital material (English and Romanian in this one PDF)
Digital resources for/by Moldovan VET
Keep in touch!
Contact us: Twinning Project Assistant Veronica Midari, veronicamidari(at)
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