How to...

Prepare before workshop

Create a Google user account: instructions in Romanian
Digitalization of VET in Moldova, the framework of this workshop:

Be active during the workshop

  1. Have your own laptop with you if possible.
  2. Take down notes and take photos to have material for your learning blog
  3. Write a post on your learning blog daily
  4. Think about your own digital material and how you apply new methods in your work
  5. Try new things now - this workshop is a safe "lab"!

Find useful resources

The European Framework for the Digital Competence of Educators
Blogs and video for learning
Open educational resources and copyright 

Tool for planning digital material (English and Romanian in this one PDF)

Digital resources for/by Moldovan VET

Keep in touch!

Contact us: Twinning Project Assistant Veronica Midari, veronicamidari(at)


Postări populare de pe acest blog

Give your feedback on using "Check-in"

Welcome to the workshop!

Major step to digitalize VET in Moldova